Alex Márquez, the fastest and one of the most constant of the day at Jerez

Alex Márquez, the fastest and one of the most constant of the day at Jerez

The good sensations continue in the ranks of Team Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS with both riders making constant progress. Improving riding style was top of the agenda for Márquez, while improving geometry settings was the prime target for Xavi Vierge.

Sunny but gusty conditions dominated the second day of official testing at the Circuit de Jerez-Angel Nieto where the wind has blown at an average of 25km/h, which conditioned the performance and work plans on track.

Alex Márquez fulfilled his objective of reducing his lap time compared to the first day and he did so in stunning fashion. A 1'41.208 achieved in the first of the three sessions placed him as the fastest rider of the day and second in the combined standings. In addition, Márquez was also able to set one of the most consistent rhythms. Happy with the base set-up and able to confirm the positive sensations of the first day, the Cervera rider has worked in race mode to focus on improving lines and his riding style. He also continued to adjust to the settings of the new Triumph engine and confirmed some of the tests done in relation to rider position on the bike during a busy work plan.

The day was a bit more complicated for Xavi Vierge, who didn't feel comfortable on the bike. Despite having finished the first day with good sensations, the number 97 did not recover them easily after a difficult start. As a result, recovering the feeling and confidence have been the main objective for Xavi Vierge in this second day of testing. With a total count of 64 laps, the Catalan finally found confidence again with his Kalex chassis and managed to set a personal best time of 1'41.625, which was a great reward for the hard work and effort of the whole day.

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Alex Márquez: 1st, 1'41.208, 59 laps, 261 km

“Today we made a big step with my riding style”

“I’m so happy today because we made a big step compared to yesterday and in particular with my riding style. I was more on the correct lines and I made a step that will definitely be useful for the future, and especially for Qatar. Tomorrow will be very important to confirm a few things and in particular to check some things in the long run that I plan for the final day. I’m very happy with today and I’m very happy with the lap time. We still have a lot of work to do to be clear for Qatar but today has been really good and now I’m really looking forward to tomorrow.”

Xavi VIerge: 9th, 1'41.695, 64 laps, 283 km

“I recovered my rhythm and I set my fastest lap”

“It was a hard day because from this morning we tried many things to help find a new base and we weren’t helped by the fact it was very windy and that made it difficult to understand things. The track condition changed session by session and to evaluate new parts it was quite difficult. But it’s the same for everybody and I still think we did a really good job and finally we made a step forward. I recovered my rhythm and I set my fastest lap, so I think we made a big step today. We will analyse